1. One day during World War II there was a duck that always make the fur fly in the park Freiburg. Bebek was screaming every 15 minutes. After several hours, the planes dropping bombs ally over the city and the duck was lost. Apparently, screaming duck is now the alarm so that the people hiding in the shelter. When the war finished, the building society monuments recall the duck. 2. In the late 1940s, a mass swarm of rats leaving a house in Manhattan. A few days after it was found the suicide tenants. Ironically, several years later, the rats had returned to the house back exodus. And, the next occupant was found dead.This is repeated again a few years later. Fuzzy rats back for the third time. Apparently businessman who bought the building in dire need. Ditumpanginya aircraft had an accident and sank in the Hudson River. 3. When Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States, it has a devoted dog. One day this dog incessant howling and running around the White House. Shortly thereafter came a report that the president had been killed. 4. In 1963, the animals at the zoo Skolpje, Yugoslavia sudden storm. There was a scream, growl, even some break work shed. A few seconds later the earthquake happened to smash-lantakkan city. 5. August 1923, Bobbie, collie type dog aged 2 years and invited the owner on vacation to Indiana. When the family returned him to miss Bobbie. For your information, this family home place in Oregon that thousands of miles away. Bobbie confusion, it is to find a way to leave, but initially overshooting of about 1,610 km. It was only in late autumn this dog finds his way back to the West, across Illionis and Iowa.

Bobbie could celebrate Thanksgiving in Des Moines, Iowa together a family cope. After that Bobbie returned to continue traveling for months. It was only in the month of February 1924 he arrived at the farmhouse outside of Silverton, Oregon. Here's where the owners live.
Her body was thin and tired. With remnants of strength Bobbie driveway, jump into bed and develop the employer, Frank Bazier.
5. This one may be far more devastating. Sugar, Stacy Woods family owned cats in California. At one point the family moved to agriculture Gage, Oklahoma. Sugar had left because he was scared by car. 14 months later suddenly Sugar nongol at home mrs.Woods new.
In the logic of how a cat might be able to reach the new house he had never visited? It turns out three weeks after her employer moved, Sugar went down the trail the employer. That is, these small animals have to travel as far as 2,414 miles from California to Oklahoma.
ability mysterious animal above is a form of ESP (Extrasensory Perception) the plural called psi. New knowledge seems to be able to respond to the story. The question is, how the process works? Why animals can communicate telepathically with nature, the environment, human, or other animal with mysterious?
Dr. Aristide Esser at Rockland State Hospital Research Board, New York had to investigate the following. It accommodates an owner and his boxer dog in 2 separate areas. Asked one of the assistants in the room suddenly the owner and threatened while yelling.
The cramp, his boxer dog that is in a separate room follow fear. For Dr. Esser showed telepathic form of communication that can occur in dogs or other animals. Still, the answers of the singularity in this animal still remains a mystery. So wierd ...
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